The home of content creators

youtube space

youtube studio

With interchanging background to suit your videos, we provide a space for you to shoot professional videos.

shoot any kind of content

cooking videos

For your baking or general cooking videos

interview setup

A sofa set neatly placed to help you create a relaxed interview style video or just an up-close and personal video.

product shots

A dedicated desk for creating beautiful B-Rolls and product photography.

technology reviews

Studio is ready for all kinds of videos with enough space to do things like large product reviews and shoot any kind of tech video.

green screen

Need to change your background to look like you are in space? Pull down a well light green screen are you are read to start shooting quickly.

podcast and audio zone

Record professional audio

Create audio or video podcasts easily with professional tools in a sound treated room.

render farm

powerful windows pc

Don’t waste an entire day trying to render a 4k video in a slow computer when you can use our machine and render out a one hour 4k video in less than 2 hours.

learning area


Camera basics

Lighting basics

Framing and composition

Product photography


Street photography

Nature photography

Sports photography


360 photography 


Camera basics

Lighting basics

Framing and composition

Product shoot



Wedding shots



Android & iOS Apps design

Web design


Logo design

Social media content creation

video editing

File management

Tools used


Editing a full project

talks and seminars

hear from the pros

Attend talks and seminars from industry specialists in different fields. 

movie zone

pitch us your idea and lets work out something

Have a script of a movie that you would like to produce or have some crazy documentary idea, lets talk on how we can develop that to a final product. 

charity and school outreach programs

building curiosity through technology

It’s a common phrase that children are the future. We want to expose kids to new emerging technologies like learning using Virtual Reality, teaching them basic skills like different computer parts and how to assemble a computer. Taking photos and shooting videos using smartphones and cameras among other technologies.

The goal is to have them build curiosity beyond their normal education and be interested in other skills. 

featured channels

shadageeks tv


cal art